“But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.” Matthew 6:6
The What
We live in an ever changing world where we need help in many circumstances. One of the best ways to help each other is to pray for each other. God created the church to work together to accomplish His goal. One of the ways we can work together is to pray for one another. Just like this slug needing help to push the boulder up the mountain we need people to help us. Many people just need to know that someone is praying for them. Joining the War Room is one way we can be held accountable to really pray for each other.

The Need
There is a spiritual war going on and the best way to fight it is on our knees. That’s why here at Cameron we call our Prayer Room the War Room. You sign up for an hour at a time. We have a lot of recommendation for things to pray for. You can fill out a Prayer Request for yourself or someone else. You can send Prayer Grams to people that you pray for. We have information on city, state and federal governments, the school system, police. There is also a table with requests for prayer for missionaries here in the US and all over the world. It is a great opportunity to be still and hear from the Lord.
The Need
Join those that are already praying for an hour each week in the War Room. You can call the office or come by and find a time slot that works for you. Once you are signed up, you will receive a key that opens the door to the War Room. You will be able to spend an hour praying for those around us that are in need of prayer. If you don’t have any requests yourself there will be ones there you can pray for. There is also a place where you can write those that you have prayed for and let them know. If you would like you can also send them an email prayer gram by filling in the information and the prayer below.